Cailey’s Creative Catastrophe– A

Admit it. Sometimes you just want someone to tell you what to write. Not like an essay or a research paper necessarily, but a little prompt or maybe a challenge?

Well here in my Creative Cave prompts are challenges, and you may have to take a few steps out of your way in order to complete them. Along with every challenge there will be a bonus. If you complete the bonus as well as the challenge then you get to add an element of your choosing to the next challenge.

The first challenge, A, Alphabet Adjectives

Choose something ordinary. An everyday object that nobody really appreciates. Then write about it. However, you must use adjectives starting with every letter of the alphabet. In order. For example: the amazing, beautiful, colorful, dainty, eccentric mug… But be way more creative than that and try to write more than just a string of adjectives.

Bonus: Write the opposite of what you would expect. As in, a garbage can usually has a negative connotation, so find as many positive adjectives as you can. Or socks are usually viewed as a good thing (especially when it’s cold) so use as many negative adjectives as you can.

You can post completed works in the comments or add a link to your masterpiece. Good luck and enjoy!



And here is my entry for you to check out if you want an example.


I've been writing since I learned how to talk. I love stories and I love words.

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