Featured Club: The Buddy System

Whether you’re new to the site or have been around for a while, The Buddy System has a place for you.

The purpose of this club is to help new members get the most out of YWS with minimal frustration and confusion. New members are partnered up with experienced members, called mentors, who explain how things work (like points), answer questions, and review their buddy’s works. Mentors often become one of a new member’s first friends, and buddies who have gone through the system often become mentors themselves.

If you’re a new member looking for someone to ask questions of and guide you through the ins-and-outs, The Buddy System is the club to check out.

And if you’re an experienced member just bursting with advice and friendliness, The Buddy System could always use some more mentors.


Kyll likes puns and playing with pronouns. Kyll also likes talking about Kyllself in third person. Kyll currently writes the Featured Club column, though Kyll hopes to branch out soon into other areas of Kyllish interest. Kyll also spends half the time as an INTJ and the other half as an INTP. You have been warned.

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2 Responses

  1. Heather says:


  2. Shady says:

    Ooh, the Buddy System is awesome!

    It’s brought me in contact with lots of wonderful new members; and I’ve made several great new friends since I became a Mentor. ^-^


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